Choosing essences | Fear

Bach Remedies for Fear

These are the remedies that Dr. Bach placed in the category “For Those Who Have Fear.” Each remedy in this category addresses a particular kind of fear. If, after reading the essences’ keywords here and their fuller descriptions in the Repertory Gallery, you’re still not sure which ones are right for you, contact Rio. [easyrotator]erc_85_1384646564[/easyrotator]


Are Bach Flower Remedies Homeopathic?

Though some Bach flower remedies are sold as homeopathic remedies, they do not fit the definition of classical homeopathic medicines. While they contain no chemical residue of the original materials used, and so are also considered vibrational medicines, flower remedies are not subject to succussion or dilution in the way that homeopathic remedies are. Flower…

Dr Edward Bach

Who was Dr. Bach?

Who was Dr. Bach? Dr. Edward Bach (b. 1886; d. 1936) was a British surgeon, bacteriologist, immunologist and homeopathic researcher who developed a philosophy of healing that led to the invention of “flower essences” as a new type of medicine. As the discoverer of the famed Bach Nosodes (vaccines developed from gut bacteria that led…